Session 030
Spark, Chaos and Jar go down to the ship throug the ice.
Fionn uses a high level spell and seals the crystal up in the golden chains and slings it over his back as a backpack. He wants to keep it, but the others argue that it is property of the prodigy and he has to give it to them.
When they try to take it, Fionn shatters the crystal with a dart. Blue lightning explodes from it and a lightning elemental is freed. Fionn is blown back and falls unconsious for 1 hour.
Morn stabilizes Fionn.
A fight ensues and Chaos (who is cursed by the chisel) gets big. We win and everybody that touches Chaos takes fire damage.
Spark attunes to the chisel, which shrinks to size. It removes the curse from Chaos.
Morn keeps Fionn warm, but doesn´t heal him.
Everybody talks about WTF Fionnleigh did. It looked like some kind of devine intervention. Morn recognizes what happened and tells the others. Helm gave Morn a quest to destroy the power sources. They are unholy things used to manipulate spirits. They look like black plates (same material as the stone). Morn knows he signed a contract, but doesn´t want these things being used for unkown reasons. Jar asks Morn about the festival. The mace was a sacred weapon, but it is now a magic weapon, blessed by Helm. The vision from the lady in the tent is when the weapon was blessed. Jar tells that he wasn´t always doing interdimensional things, but that started with the fortune teller. They told him he had potential. When he asked for knowledge he got the ability to misty step. Jar tries to send a message to the fortune teller “You need to explain”.
The party discusses going back down for the “workbench” but they still need to solve the everlasting darkness.
Nildar speaks of a far east island called solstice.
Jar investigates the chains. According to Acturus they have primordial elemental runes written on them.
Morn and Jar complain about Fionnleigh “He is impossible to work with” They wonder why he is here. Jar thinks it is about the money. Jar ends the discussion with “Hearing the problem, don´t see a solution” Morn wants to contact the prodigy.
Chaos runs diagnostics???
Fionnleigh is dreaming whilst being unconsious. The beast within set free… Two disagree, stuck on a rock which is the moon. One courted elemental spirits for help during the war. Mind versus balance.
Fionnleigh gets tied up and together with a bright light placed on a Tenser’s floating disk
Nass Lantimer says she wants the codacil of the white. Nass offers to posess someone. Morn says he will be a guinea pig. It is extermely unpleasant. Morn tries to get her out but fails. Nass tells the others Morn is okay with this. Jar doubts the story and knows Nass is lying. He tells Chaos and they decide to let it happen.
Spark announces that he goes back to Emberholt with the chisel. Jar asks him to uodate Harper.
After an hour Fionnleigh wakes up to voices urging him to choose he chooses freedom and he burst out of his restrains as a werebear.